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in 1982, the Gori Collection at the Fattoria di Celle is considered
the first private site specific collection in Europe, and it has
been a model for many successive projects. For a number of artists
who worked here, the opportunity presented a chance either to experiment
with new materials and new lines of investigation or to conclude
previous chapters in their careers. By the mid- 1990s the collection
had had a wide impact on various levels both for its contents and
for its model of operation. Internationally it was recognized among
the major sculpture parks in Europe. Within Italy, where government-sponsered
initiatives in the visual arts tended entirely towards the restoration
of historical patrimony, the collection sent a strong signal to
other private collectors of contemporary art, almost challenging
them to assume a semi-public role.
di Pistoia
- Gori Collection
- Contemporary Site Art Works
Since 1982
Information: Visiting
(only with guided tours) is possible on working days from May -
September. Please apply early: Fattoria di Celle 51030
Santomato di Pistoia Fax: 0573/479486
Source: Ch.
Directions: A
11 (Florence towards Pisa), exit Pistoia. Then to "Fattoria
di Celle" in Santomato, 4 km outside Pistoia, 35 km northwest
from Florence
disabled:  Guided
tours - only in English or Italian. Duration: three - four hours. No
paths in the meadows. Difficult for wheelchairs. |