Hall - Sculpture and Works on Paper
Author: Andrew
Royal Academy Books,
September 2008
- in English -
160 p., 28
x 23,2 cm opulently coloured (more than 200 illustrations), hardback
ISBN-10: 1905711301
- ISBN-13: 978-1905711307 - € 35,00
" .. sculpture
for me is like moving through space, space that's made
visible by mark-making forms, open forms, and how those
elements of open forms move against themselves as you
move with the sculpture. It's that sort of relationship
of form, space and the observer.
.." Nigel Hall,
Sculpture and Works on Paper, page 38
Hall - an English artist and sculptor - Nigel
Hall may be still unknown to some continental friends of fine arts.
So it is high time
to introduce him here. Following a Dutch Wikipedia
contribution an English and a German article were published
only in February (2010):
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel_Hall_(beeldhouwer) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel_Hall http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel_Hall_(sculptor)
Hall has exhibited all over the world and has been participating
in Germany for many years at renowned projects. Some
of the few examples: The documenta 6 (1977), Blickachsen
3, 4 and 5 in Bad Homburg. He has been exhibiting in
the sculpture garden of the Kunsthalle Mannheim since
2001.The long list of Hall's exhibits, his presence
in more than 100 international museums and public collections
is quite impressive. Nigel Hall was born in Bristol
1943. He studied at the West of England College of Art,
Bristol (1960-64) and at the Royal Academy of Art, London
(1964-70). After that he lived and travelled in the
U.S., Canada and Mexico, later on in Japan, Korea and
Switzerland. From 1971 to 1981 Nigel Hall was successively
lecturer and external examining member of the Royal
College of Art, London and Department of Sculpture at
the Chelsea School of Art in London. Three-dimensional
structures follow the first, fairly linear sculptures
in tubular form (from 1970). The sculptures become more
distinctive, reduced. Their interaction with their shadow
and their balance is significant. An exact placement
in both the interior and also in the landscape is therefore
essential. Hall makes many sketches during his regular
travels, a kind of "Sketch Diary". Gradually
by overlapping individual sketches new forms constantly
develop and they are implemented as sculptures. He himself
produces them to enable the last "fine tuning".
drawings, more than half of his oeuvre, are very important
for Nigel Hall personally. Many of them are completely
autonomous works. Therefore, he can legitimately be
seen as a draughtsman. In 2003 Nigel Hall became a member
of the Royal Academy of Arts.
The book:
Books that convey in such a vivid and subtle way what
and how an artist experiences and what and how he expresses
throughout the complete work, in his drawings and sculptures,
are rarely found. This is achieved via an interview
made between the British curator and art critic Andrew
Lambirth and Nigel Hall. The book offers a comprehensive
review of Hall's work, including a retrospective at
the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Brief introductions
to various thematic chapters are cunningly lead by Lambirth
with targeted questions to Nigel Hall about descriptions
of experiences, developments and self-set goals of his
work. . These are vividly supplemented by interspersed
photos of Hall's drawings and sculptures indoors and
outdoors, in parks or in the countryside. More than
four decades which are described in the book, do not
lead to a lengthy fatiguing list but to an interesting
witnessing and understanding.
List of works, list of individual + group exhibitions,
short biography, list of private and public collections,
selected bibliography.
excellent photos, a flowing reading text and very good
layout, you get a thoroughly enjoyable book. - Not just
a catalogue, but an all-round insight into Nigel Hall's
life and creative way of working!
zuzuku pages with some works by Nigel Hall
(CH) - Schönthal - (GB) - Yorkshire Sculpture Park Information / photos: commons.wikimedia.org/
Exhibitions / Collections / Books:
Text: ehauff