Switzerland - Region Basel - Canton Basel-Land -                                                                    Zurück


David Nash, Threshold Column, 1998

Peter Nagel, Planet der Schweine, 2001

Nigel Hall, Soglio, 1994


Monastry of Schoenthal
near to Langenbruck (BL)

Foundation Sculpture at Schoenthal
Meetingplace in a former monastry

Dialogue between Art and Nature "
Sculptures in the landscape - more than 20 art pieces by international and Swiss artists in harmony with nature

since 2001

opened daily and free

Link: www.schoenthal.ch

Source + Photos: ehauff, 05/2009

State: 05/2009

40 km southeast from Basel.To reach Schoenthal take the A 2 (E 25), exit Eptingen.

   For disabled:                Zurück
The sculptures are situated along diverse paths, uphill and downhill, in woods and meadows. Some of them are not accessible to wheelchairs.




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book review

Nigel Hall - Sculpture and Works on Paper