Lower Saxony - Harz area - Goslar district -                                                   


Rainer Kriester,           Fernando Botero,
Goslaer Nagelkopf, 1980    Mann und Frau, 1977/80

mehr zur Skulptur von Rainer Kriester

Henry Moore, Goslaer Krieger, 1975
(behind the
Imperial Palace of Goslar)


Stadt Goslar
"Modern Art in Public Space"

".. Wandeln Sie auf den Spuren von Henry Moore, Otmar Alt oder Christo & Jeanne-Claude. .."

Link: www.goslar.de - ()

Permanently and free admission

www.goslar.de/tourismus - ()
(conducted tours to "Goslar Artmile"
Phone: + 49 (0)5321/78060

Photos: https.sculptures in goslar
(Commons Wikimedia)

State: updated 07/2016

Goslar is situated at the B 82/B 241,
southeast of Hildesheim: A 7 Hannover
towards Kassel, exit 66 (Rhüden/Harz)

   For disabled:                        Zurück
The streets in the town are flat but show the usual traffic situation.